
This time, we would like to introduce an autonomous driving solution.

We are quickly approaching an era in which autonomous driving technology, where cars can drive themselves without the need for a human driver, will be commonplace. Such technology is being widely considered for application not only to automobiles but also to various industrial equipment with the aim of reducing labor costs and improving business efficiency.

It is no exaggeration to say that this technology will be essential in the future, especially for industrial equipment such as agricultural equipment, construction machinery, AGV/AMR, and drones. Therefore, Macnica has prepared a POC for autonomous driving solutions to help solve this new technological issue. In the case of development from scratch, it can be expected that a large amount of man-hours will be required just to develop a prototype product for evaluation, such as considering the optimal hardware and building an autonomous driving algorithm. By using this POC, you can start evaluation immediately without developing a prototype product.

Below is an explanation of POC.


Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera Source

Camera products

Stereo image detection technology is2It uses two cameras to calculate depth, allowing the device to see, understand and learn from the environment.Intel® RealSense™ D400The family's calibrations work in a variety of lighting conditions, both indoors and outdoors,Custom calibrationCan be used in multiple camera configurations without

In addition, we have prepared such products to meet the various required specifications of our customers.

PC/CPU Module products

Macnica handles products from the following manufacturers, which have established a solid position in PC/CPU module products. We offer PC/CPU module products equipped with the latest generation Intel® Processor as well as ARM Processor.

From among these, we will propose the most suitable product according to the required specifications.

SLAM Software

Detailed explanation

Please refer to this video for details.

We also have a video of it in action.


Macnica provides a complete range of autonomous driving solutions for agricultural machinery, construction machinery, AGV/AMR, and drones, from hardware to software.

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