Jetson TX2 NX expands development options Why is it recommended for Jetson users?

On February 25, 2021, NVIDIA announced the NVIDIA® JETSON™ TX2 NX module, the latest product in the Jetson series. In this article, we will introduce the features of Jetson TX2 NX and frequently asked questions about the benefits and evaluation of Jetson users when using it.

Jetson TX2 NX
Jetson TX2 NX

Illustrated Jetson total lineup including Jetson TX2 NX

With the advent of Jetson TX2 NX, the Jetson series has three pin-compatible modules, making it easier to select the optimal hardware according to the performance required by the application.

Illustrated Jetson module total lineup
Illustrated Jetson module total lineup

NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX Module Features

・2.5 times the performance of Jetson Nano

As an example, it is possible to improve performance and speed up in the following cases.

- Classify and determine what is contained in the loaded image

- Process loaded images and output as ultra-high resolution images

- Human pose estimation

- Object detection


・Same shape and pin compatibility as Jetson Nano and Jetson Xavier NX


・The same software as all Jetson series can be used

If you are developing with Jetson, do you have any of these problems?


・The Jetson Nano-based product that we developed first takes a long time to perform object detection that combines complex processing.


・I want a module with performance between Jetson Nano and Jetson Xavier NX, but the only option is Jetson TX2, which has a different module shape.

NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX solves

・ By switching to Jetson TX2 NX module, while minimizing development man-hours*,

It will be possible to improve the performance that was lacking in Jetson Nano.

*If the carrier board is designed with a module power consumption of 10W, it will be necessary to change the design to support 15W.


・ TX2 NX, which has the same performance as Jetson TX2 and the same shape as Jetson Nano, has appeared, increasing the number of options.


As a result, for users who develop products using Jetson, it is now possible to easily expand the lineup of their own products while shortening the development period. We hope that it will be a foothold for customers to be able to bring their AI/IoT products to market more quickly according to customer needs, and to lead to the revitalization of the market as a whole.


From here, we will introduce information that will be helpful for those who are specifically interested in Jetson TX2 NX.

How to rate Jetson TX2 NX?

Jetson TX2 NX is sold as a module only and does not come with a developer kit. If you want to evaluate the Jetson TX2 NX module, you can do so on the Jetson Xavier NX developer kit.

Illustrated Jetson Developer Kits and Modules Complete Lineup
Illustrated Jetson Developer Kits and Modules Complete Lineup

Frequently asked questions from prospective customers

Can I use the Jetson Nano developer kit for evaluation?

It can not be used. The NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX Product Design Guide says to do it with the Jetson Xavier NX developer kit.

NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX Product Design Guide

Chapter 3. Developer Kit Feature Considerations

"The Jetson TX2 NX module is compatible with the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit. "

The Jetson Xavier NX developer kit came with a heatsink, can I evaluate the TX2 NX module without the heatsink?

you can't. The only thing that can be done without a heat sink is to check the operation. A heat sink is required for evaluation, so please consult us separately.

Is there a JetPack version to use with Jetson TX2 NX?

Must be JetPack 4.5.1 or higher.

Try Jetson TX2 NX now.

If you would like a Jetson TX2 NX module, please contact us using the quote button below.


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Click here to purchase the Jetson Developer Kit