Free Training on Altera Products Anytime, Anywhere
Altera's official online training.

・ Training is in Japanese.
・ All courses can be taken as many times as you like for free.
・ You can watch one course little by little every day.
・ You can repeat only the same parts as many times as you do not understand.
・ The content is as fulfilling as a lecture by an instructor.

for beginners


 Fundamentals of Programmable Logic (83 minutes)

Basic knowledge of PLD (Programmable Logic Device) centering on FPGA will be explained.
Learn about the history of PLDs, the features and benefits of FPGAs, the design flow using development software, and more.


First FPGA Design (49 minutes)

Learn about the benefits of FPGAs and how to design them using the Quartus II development software.
You can learn the entire design flow from project generation, schematic creation, to FPGA configuration.


Quartus II Development Software Fundamentals: Getting Started (52 minutes)

The basic usage of Quartus II is explained in more detail than "My First FPGA Design".
For first-time users of the Quartus II development software, we will explain the basic design methods of FPGAs in an easy-to-understand manner with demonstrations.

Verilog HDL Basics (49 minutes)

The Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) and how to use Verilog HDL in programmable logic design are explained in an easy-to-understand manner, touching on the synthesis and simulation of Verilog HDL structures.


 Basic VHDL (68 minutes)

It provides an overview of the VHDL language and examples of its use in logic design, along with an introduction to VHDL constructs in logic synthesis and simulation environments.

Quartus II Basics

Quartus II Development Software Fundamentals: Getting Started (1 hour)

The basic usage of Quartus II is explained in more detail than "My First FPGA Design".
For first-time users of the Quartus II development software, we will explain the basic design methods of FPGAs in an easy-to-understand manner with demonstrations.


 Quartus II Perfect Course: Settings and Assignments (0.5 hours)

Online version of the Instructor Training Quartus II Perfect Course.

It starts with Quartus II setup, assignments, logic synthesis, and place and route.


 Quartus II Perfect Course: I/O Planning (0.5 hours)

Online version of the Instructor Training Quartus II Perfect Course.

Assign and check the design pins using Pin Planner, back-annotate device and pinout information, export and import to another revision, and check the results.


Quartus II Perfect Course: Design Entry (1 hour)

Online version of the Instructor Training Quartus II Perfect Course.

It describes recommended FPGA design methods and introduces the various design entry methods supported by the Quartus II development software.


 Quartus II Perfect Course: Compilation (1 hour)

Online version of the Instructor Training Quartus II Perfect Course.

Describes the compilation process in the Quartus II development software and how to use the compilation results to debug your design and improve your design.


 Quartus II Perfect Course: Programming and Configuration (0.5 hours)

Online version of the Instructor Training Quartus II Perfect Course.

Introduces programming and configuration options in the Quartus II development software.


 Best Practices for Timing Closure (1 hour)

Learn about timing closure issues, why it's important to be prepared for them, and common timing closure challenges.


 TimeQuest Timing Analyzer (2 hours)

Demonstrate how to verify FPGA performance using the TimeQuest static timing analysis tool in the Quartus II software.


 ModelSim overview (1 hour)

Using Mentor Graphics' OEM version ModelSim Altera Starter Edition, we will explain how to compile the design, execute the simulation, check the operation, function simulation, and timing simulation.

Quartus II Intermediate

 Basics of Quartus II Tcl Scripting Part 1 (1 hour)

Describes the Tcl scripting feature that drives Quartus II with commands.


TimeQuest Timing Analyzer (2 hours)

Learn how to easily create Synopsys Design Constraints (SDCs) using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool and how to use TimeQuest.


 Quartus II Support for SystemVerilog (0.5 hours)

Introduces SystemVerilog, an extension of the Verilog 2005 language and supported by the Quartus II software.


 I/O System Design for Altera FPGA Devices (1.5 hours)

This section introduces the I/O management functions provided by Quartus II.
Not only FPGA I/O planning, but also board trace length and board signal integrity can be considered in the design.


 Introduction to Incremental Compilation (2.5 hours)

Learn how to use the Quartus II incremental compilation feature to significantly reduce compilation time while preserving design performance.


Team-Based Design Flow with Incremental Compilation (1 hour)

Introduces productivity and team-based design problems that can be solved by using the Quartus II incremental compilation feature.
It also introduces the basics of partition planning and partition design, project management in team-based design, and how to solve challenges while maintaining optimal results.


 SignalTap II Logic Analyzer (2 hours)

Benefits and Benefits of On-Chip Debugging with the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer
I will explain how to use it.
Learn most of the tasks required to debug with SignalTap II.

embedded system

 SoC Hardware Overview Part 1 (1 hour)

Introducing the Hard Processor System (HPS) in SoC FPGAs.

Learn about the MPU subsystem and Cortex-A9 processor, AMBA AXI bridge architecture, and Level 3 interconnect implemented in an Altera SoC FPGA.


 SoC Hardware Overview Part 2 (0.5 hours)

Introducing the Hard Processor System (HPS) in SoC FPGAs.

Learn about the peripherals included in the HPS implemented on Altera SoC FPGAs.


 Software Design Flow for ARM-based SoCs (1 hour)

Introduces the software design flow when using Altera SoCs for software and firmware engineers.

SoC Embedded Design Suite (EDS), HPS boot flow, concept of preloader generation, adding headers to bootloader, using hardware libraries to write bare-metal applications and OS selection, Linux kernel Learn how to link, debug with the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition toolkit.


 Parallel Computing with OpenCL: An Introduction (0.5 hours)

It introduces the concepts and challenges of parallel computing and how to solve them using OpenCL™.

Learn about the OpenCL standard and the benefits of using Altera's OpenCL solution.


 How to write an OpenCL program for Altera FPGA (1 hour)

Introduces the structure and description of the OpenCL standard.

You will learn the basic concepts of the OpenCL standard, the platform, execution, memory, and programming models for defining the OpenCL specification, and how to write them.


 How to Run OpenCL for Altera FPGA (0.5 hours)

Introduces Altera tools for compiling OpenCL code.

Learn about Altera tools for OpenCL, how to compile, and how to run OpenCL kernels.


Nios II Processor Software Development: Design Tools Overview (0.5 hours)

An ideal introduction to the Nios II processor and Altera's embedded products, this course introduces you to the embedded software tools available for the Nios II processor.


 Nios II & Qsys (system integration tool) basics (8 hours: split viewing possible)

Learn how to use the Quartus II development software and Qsys system integration tools to configure and compile your design, and how to develop and run embedded software for Nios II with the Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse.


 Quartus II: Qsys Fundamentals (1 hour)

Learn about the features and usage of Qsys, which allows you to easily connect intellectual property (IP) functions and subsystems using Altera FPGAs.


 Nios II Software Tools for Eclipse: Getting Started (0.5 hours)

Introductory training for the Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse.

It explains how to create a new software project, set up the project, build the application, and run it on the target hardware.


 Nios II Processor Software Development: HAL (0.5 hours)

Learn how to streamline software development for the Nios II processor using the Nios II Hardware Abstraction Layer (Nios II HAL).

high speed interface

 Transceiver Basics (1 hour)

An outline of the transceiver installed in the Altera FPGA is explained.


 Implementing PCI Express with Transceiver-Equipped Devices (2 hours)

Learn how to develop and verify PCI Express systems using the PCI Express Hard IP on Altera FPGAs.