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Data analysis process to understand “what to start with” for continuous growth of EC site ~Creating an EC that is trusted and chosen by consumers by grasping issues and taking improvement actions without relying on intuition~
As the needs for e-commerce sites increase, in order to become an e-commerce site that is trusted and chosen by consumers, it is essential to constantly strive to improve the user's purchasing experience through daily operations and measures that utilize various data. . However, the EC site operation covers a wide range of tasks, such as purchasing, attracting customers, and product management.
In such a situation of overwork and lack of resources, the first step to achieving continuous growth is to clarify the “problems” and “what should be done first” on your website.
Mr. Yusuke Komatsu Yusuke Komatsu, who has experienced digital marketing for EC sites at Amazon Japan GK, business strategy planning, P/L management, demand forecasting, product planning, etc. as a buyer, was invited as a guest. We will introduce the process of correctly grasping the improvement points of your own site based on data, not experience and intuition. Please watch it!