
In general, it is said that it is very difficult to achieve the goals of AI projects. In fact, over 85% of projects do not deliver the expected results. Why is the failure rate so high? And is it possible to avoid the pitfalls of failure?

Causes of AI project failure

The first problem blocking projects is that the unique business problem they are addressing is not properly translated into a data science problem. Many AI companies do not conduct research to gain a deeper understanding of the most costly challenges in their business. If you omit this crucial first step, your project will fail. After that, no matter how much effort you put into the complex solution, the result will be the same.

The second problem is the existence of unstructured data that is not ready for analysis. There's a reason CrowdANALYTIX considers data structuring to be an important first step in AI adoption. This is because machine learning solutions cannot accurately interpret unstructured data. Many companies start their AI PJs with tons of siled, unstructured, uninterpretable data in various forms. Thoroughly structuring data is critical to the long-term success of AI.

The third and most difficult problem is the presence of bias in the development and implementation process. Let's say a company has five data scientists. They choose solutions that will be successful in solving a specific problem for the company. However, the number of data scientists involved is small and there is almost certainly a bias in their selection. Therefore, the probability of success is reduced.

For successful AI projects

CrowdANALYTIX solves all three of these common causes of failure.

  1. We dig deep into your unique business to fully understand its challenges.
  2. We have a solution (DataX) that allows you to fully structure your company's data. We will not adopt any other AI solution until the data is suitable for an AI solution.
  3. By engaging more than 25,000 data scientists worldwide, we effectively eliminate bias and greatly increase the odds of finding the right AI solution for your business's unique needs.


In the detailed document "Optimal solutions for AI implementation processes learned from the reasons why projects fail", we explain in more detail what kind of perspectives are necessary to lead AI projects to success. Please download it from the link below and take a look.

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