
In the world of technology-driven business, many people have heard the terms AI (artificial intelligence) and BI (business intelligence). However, many people may not understand exactly what it is and how it works. Are AI and BI so opposed that you have to choose between them in your business? Is it not possible to run both at the same time? How will each help your business?

In conclusion, AI and BI are different concepts, and if you know how to use each, they can complement each other to your advantage as you move forward with your business.

BI: Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) solutions are the technologies and strategies that help companies see data in the big picture. It also helps companies set high-level objectives, make big decisions, and develop strategies for future growth. These solutions help businesses communicate decision-making from a holistic perspective.

The main purpose of BI solutions is to collect and analyze vast amounts of data for analysis. Analytical data includes historical data, current data, and data that predicts the future of your business.

BI solutions are used to analyze and interpret big data, so you will often hear BI in conjunction with “big data”.

AI: artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence solutions dig deeper into your business. This solution enables companies to make more frequent decisions in their transactions. While BI addresses large-scale objectives, AI can optimize day-to-day business processes to reach them faster and more efficiently.

With BI, humans can make decisions based on more information, but with AI, AI itself can make decisions without being given information by humans. Properly planned, deployed, and maintained AI solutions for this type of use can save an enormous amount of manpower – time and money.

You've probably heard AI in any process automation discussion.

BI + AI: operate simultaneously

Many businesses rely on BI solutions regardless of how they are actually judged. From leveraging spreadsheets to tracking performance, it's all under the control of a business intelligence solution.

AI is rapidly spreading across all industries and becoming more commonplace every day. By adding the implementation of AI to the already established BI utilization, it will be possible to reduce the dependence on slow and error-prone human resources, gradually reduce costs, and achieve business objectives. prize.

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