
[Use case] "CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX"
Apparel Company H

Company H, a major apparel company, was faced with the challenge of how to predict customers' preferred fashion styles and tastes and then use them to "provide styling suggestions, new product notifications, and in-store event announcements that match the customer's preferences." To solve this problem, Company H considered developing an AI model that could predict customer preferences, but found it difficult to gather data scientists with the necessary skills. Therefore, the company adopted Macnica networks' AI development support service "CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX." This accelerated the development of the AI model and also allowed the company to outsource operation and maintenance, allowing the company to allocate its resources to areas where it wanted to focus more, such as marketing activities.

There are not enough data scientists to develop AI models!

小売業の企業が消費者に認知され、ロイヤルカスタマーを増やし、企業そのものの価値を高めていくためには、顧客目線でのコミュニケーションが必須です。そのためには顧客を十分に理解し、それに沿った情報提供を実現する仕組みづくりが欠かせません。オンライン/オフライン関係なく、顧客がモノやサービスに触れることで得られる体験や経験を主軸に考えるOMO(Online Merges with Offline)のマーケティングが求められているのです。




"CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX" provides end-to-end services from AI model development to operation

To alleviate the shortage of data scientists, Company H adopted Macnica networks' AI development support service, "CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX." CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX develops AI models based on the issues faced by each user, implements them as a cloud service, and provides a one-stop service that even includes operation. Even if users have no knowledge of AI, they can use high-quality AI services with full customization.

Specifically, we will assemble and dispatch teams by combining the most suitable talent from our community of over 25,000 data scientists with the world's highest level of technology, and build the AI development system required by our users. We can also provide infrastructure for implementing AI models as needed.
"A major benefit was that we could use the resources we needed in a scalable manner depending on the situation. Another key point was that they provided total support for mid- to long-term AI development and operation, taking into account our own data sets and various constraints while utilizing the collective knowledge of the data scientist community." (Company H)

Responding to changes in the world and improving the accuracy of customer understanding through scrap and build

By adopting CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX, Company H has been able to quickly develop and operate AI models, as well as optimize costs.
``I was able to obtain useful suggestions regarding AI development algorithm selection, model tuning, and feature design (methods to improve machine learning prediction accuracy), which I would have never thought of within the company alone.'' (Company H)

The team dispatched to Company H supports various areas of AI model development and operation. At this time, Macnica networks' customer engagement manager led the team. He quantitatively analyzed Company H's issues from a data scientist's perspective, understood and shared them as if they were his own, and led the progress of the project.
“We are now able to objectively understand the good and bad points of the Company 's efforts, and they handle the difficult parts of development for us, speeding up the entire process. ” (Company H)

Another great feature is that the company can be entrusted with the operation and maintenance of the AI model.
"I'm glad that it reduces the amount of effort required by people within the company and allows us to allocate resources to areas we want to focus more on, such as marketing initiatives."

Currently, the scope of use of CrowdANALYTIX DevelopX at Company H is limited to some areas, but in the future, based on the experience and know-how from this project, we are considering adopting it for AI development and operation in other areas. They say they will continue to do so.

▼ Business problem-solving AI service that utilizes the data science resources of 25,000 people worldwide
Click here for details.Fully customized AI service CrowdANALYTIX