Intel: I'm trying to route the SPI master of the HPS to the FPGA in my Arria® V SoC, but I don't know how to connect each port.

Arria Quartus Prime SoC FPGAs

Category: SoCs
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: Arria® V

When routing to the FPGA side, connect each port as follows.
Here is an example where SPI master and SPI slave are connected one-to-one.

hps_0_spim0_txd (hps_spim0_txd ), // mosi .hps_0_spim0_rxd (hps_spim0_rxd ), // miso .hps_0_spim0_ss_in_n (1'b1 ), // ss_in_n マルチ・マスター・システムで使用。 Motorola SPI 向けは、デフォルトで "1" にする .hps_0_spim0_ssi_oe_n (1'b0 ), // ssi_oe_n 1対1接続の場合は、常時出力。 .hps_0_spim0_ss_0_n (hps_spim0_ss0 ), // ss_0_n .hps_0_spim0_ss_1_n ( ), // ss_1_n .hps_0_spim0_ss_2_n ( ), // ss_2_n .hps_0_spim0_ss_3_n ( ), // ss_3_n .hps_0_spim0_sclk_out_clk (hps_spim0_sclk), // sclk

For details on each port, refer to the "SPI Controller" chapter in the "Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual".

For SPI connection, please refer to Example below.

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