Intel: How can I encrypt some modules in my design and simulate them?


Category: Simulation
Tools: ModelSim®

Follow the steps below to generate the encryption code.

[A]Encrypt only one source

1. Include the following code around the part of the module you want to encrypt.

[VHDL] `protect begin / `protect end

[Verilog] `pragma protect begin / `pragma protect end

2. cd (or Change Directory) to the folder where you want to generate the encryption code,

Enter and execute the following command in the Transcript window. (GUI not supported)

[VHDL] vhencrypt <filename>.vhd

[Verilog] vencrypt <filename>.v

3. Confirm that .vhdp/.vp files have been generated in the specified folder.

4. Give the contributor .vhdp/.vp instead of .vhd/.v for functional simulation files.


[B] Encrypt multiplesources

1. Copy the following content to create a header file. The file name is arbitrary and no extension is required.


`protect version = 1    `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation"    `protect key_keyname = "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-2"    `protect key_method = "rsa"    `protect key_block encoding = ( enctype = "base64" )    `protect data_method = "aes128-cbc"    `protect begin


`pragma protect version = 1    `pragma protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation"    `pragma protect key_keyname = "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-2"    `pragma protect key_method = "rsa"    `pragma protect key_block encoding = ( enctype = "base64" )    `pragma protect data_method = "aes128-cbc"    `pragma protect begin

2. cd (or Change Directory) to the folder where you want to generate the encryption code,

Enter and execute the following command in the Transcript window. (GUI not supported)

[VHDL] vhencrypt -hea <headerfile> <filename>.vhd <filename>.vhd … <filename>.vhd

[Verilog] vencrypt -hea <headerfile> <filename>.v <filename>.v … <filename>.v

* For <headerfile> above, enter the header file name created in step 1.

* If all sources in the same folder are to be executed, an asterisk (*) can be used.

3. Confirm that .vhdp/.vp files have been generated in the specified folder.

4. Give the contributor .vhdp/.vp instead of .vhd/.v for functional simulation files.

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