Easy! Connect! How to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module

(Includes two RN4870 evaluation boards)


In this hands-on, through BLE communication using Microchp's RN4870 evaluation board and demo smartphone app, and creating a BLE smartphone app using the MIT App Inventor, which is released free of charge by MIT, you will learn the basic knowledge of BLE communication and the actual communication method from scratch. It is possible to learn.

We also have data communication logs on Air with our BLE Sniffer and commentary based on BLE specifications.

What you will learn in this hands-on

Hands-on BLE communication in the following three typical use cases

You will be able to understand the contents of the communication between the BLE smartphone application and the BLE module

In addition to simply running the demo application (BLE App provided by Microchip: BLE Sensor App), we will explain the back side as much as possible.

Flow of data communication between BLE Sensor App (iOS version) and RN4870 evaluation board

Understand the parameters that affect communication speed

We will introduce the following parameters that affect the communication speed, and actually measure the communication speed by changing these (BLE App provided by Microchip: Microchip Bluetooth Data).


1) Connection Interval

2) LE Data Length Extension

3) Presence or absence of Ack in ATT layer (Write with response, Write without Response)

Communication speed measurement with Microchip Bluetooth Data (Android version)

I will explain with actual packets on Air using BLE Sniffer.

*There is no need for the customer to prepare a BLE Sniffer for hands-on.

We will use it only as an aid for customer understanding.

Sniffer acquisition Air log data of packets containing Connection Interval

You will be able to use MIT App Inventor that can easily create full-fledged Android applications

Similar to Scrach, a famous visual programming language for children, MIT App Inventor allows you to program with a minimum of keystrokes by dragging and dropping graphical parts.

You can easily arrange buttons on the smartphone app, and you can easily call Android OS functions including BLE and use them in the app.


Through creating a BLE smartphone application, you will deepen your understanding of the programming method using MIT App Inventor and the smartphone application side.

MIT App Inverntor programming screen

Hands-on content

1) BLE communication demo with smartphone

★First, you will understand what you can do with BLE communication.

Use BLE Sensor App provided by MCHP

1-1) Implementation of BLE Sensor App demo

1-2) Data flow of the above demo, explanation from BLE specification


2) BLE communication speed measurement

★We ask that you deepen your understanding of communication speeds, which we often receive inquiries about.

Using Microchip Bluetooth Data provided by MCHP
Change the following parameters

i) LE Data Length Extension enable/disable

ii) Connection Interval

iii) Write with/without response

3) BLE smartphone application creation

★ You will learn the knowledge of the smartphone application side by creating a simple BLE App.

Using MIT App Inventor


4) Communication between RN4870s

★You will learn how to communicate between RN4870s, not with a smartphone app.

Communication using a PC as a substitute for Host MCU and two RN4870 evaluation boards

*This content is subject to change without notice.

Provided documents

In this hands-on, we will provide the following documents.

・This hands-on video

・URL information of various materials

・Completed version of the MIT App Inventor program created by the customer

*This content is subject to change without notice.