It has a wealth of useful functions for verification, and we will introduce code coverage, which is one of the verification functions.

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It has a lot of convenient functions for verification, and one of the verification functions issome code coverageI would like to introduce about

HDL Design Site Situation

With the increasing scale of FPGAs, it has become difficult to understand the HDL and the entire testbench. As a result, there are holes in the test and unnecessary circuit expansion due to unnecessary HDL description.

What is code coverage?

A function that counts each execution in the HDL code while the simulation is running.

・ "To what extent" was the simulation performed with the prepared test pattern for the HDL design to be verified? is evaluated quantitatively.
・ If there are unverified parts, review the RTL or add test patterns.

Benefits of using code coverage

● Improve test quality

If code coverage doesn't execute a "needed function", then there is a hole in the test. You can add testbenches to improve test quality.

● Reduced circuit area (cost reduction)

If the part that was not executed by code coverage is an "unnecessary function", the corresponding HDL description can be deleted to reduce the circuit area.

● Improved credibility from FPGA development requesters and project managers

Clients and project managers who outsource FPGA development to design houses are blind to the test quality and circuit overhead of the designs they outsource. By reporting the high coverage rate of code coverage to the development requester and project manager, you can appeal that you are conducting highly reliable development.

Detailed features of code coverage

Types of code coverage

Questa Sim / ModelSim supports different types of code coverage.

(1) Statement coverage: for each statement

- Even if multiple statements are written in one line, the coverage is counted for each statement.
・ Report execution count for each statement

Example: if sig1 then hit <= '1' ; out <= '1' ; else hit <=………;

(2) Branch coverage: conditional branching

- Counts whether or not all branch destinations have been executed in conditional branches such as if statements and case statements.
・ Reports the number of times conditional branches have been passed, the number of true/false times in if statements, the number of times each option verified in case statements, and the number of executions at branch destinations.

Example: if ( a or b ) then

(3) Condition coverage: combination of conditions

- The extended branch coverage function measures the number of executions of combinations of branch condition inputs and outputs.
• Analyze logical combinations of variables and conditions within conditions.
・ Reports the number of times for combinations of variables and conditions that lead to truth.

Example: if (a or b) then 4 combinations in this example

(4) Expression coverage: combination of expressions with assigned values

- Similar to condition coverage, but measures the number of executions of the expression on the right side of the assignment statement.
• Analyze logical combinations of variables in expressions that have values to be assigned.
• Report counts for combinations of variables in expressions.

Example: a <= b or c ;

(5) FSM coverage: state/transition

・ Measure the number of transitions of the logic state machine. Reports whether each state was executed, transition executed, and the number of executions per state.

(6) Toggle coverage: Toggle state

・ Measure the number of times the signal changes between 0 and 1 (is it activated?) and the number of times it toggles (changes).

Coverage range control

You can control the coverage target by the following methods.

● Loading and saving Exclusions files
● Specify from Missed Coverage (Exclude setting)
● Insert a dedicated pragma in HDL (automatically set the code between pragmas to be excluded)

Code coverage report

Questa Sim / ModelSim Code Coverage can customize report contents and output to GUI and file.

(1) Analysis by GUI

Workspace / Structure part displays the cumulative total of lower layers for each layer. The Instance Pane displays by instance, excluding subordinates.

(2) Details window

Display detailed information.

(3) GUI display of FSM coverage


コード・カバレッジの結果は GUI だけでなく、ファイルでも出力可能です。出力する際に、下記のように様々な形式でレポートすることができます。

① カバレッジ率のしきい値を変えて解析できます。

 例えば、カバー率が 30% 以下の箇所だけを表示できます。

② カバレッジの解析結果からレポート除外する箇所を設定できます。

③ カバーされなかったステートとトランジションをレポートできます。


④ 複数シミュレーション結果をマージできます。

 一般的に、各ブロック内とブロック間の検証は論理シミュレーションで行い、システムレベルの検証は FPGA を使って実機で検証します。複数のテストベンチによるコード・カバレッジ結果をマージして、回路全体のカバー率をレポートできます。

⑤ インスタンス別、デザインユニット別、HDL のファイル別に出力できます。

⑥ テキスト、XML ファイル、HTML のファイル・フォーマットで出力できます。

 HTML によるレポートは豊富な情報を階層化とカラー化で見やすくしています。お勧めするレポート形式の1つです。

Related information

assertion validation
code coverage
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Enhanced dataflow


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This seminar introduces the effects of assertion-based verification (ABV), code coverage, and extended data flow, which are debugging functions of Questa/ModelSim. In particular, assertion-based verification is the preferred verification technique, utilized in more than half of FPGA designs.

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