IoT x Snapdragon

Qualcomm's Snapdragon is widely known as an industry-leading SoC for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, but recently I get the impression that more and more people are considering it for use in IoT and embedded devices. Masu.
On the other hand, let's try using Snapdragon! Even if you think so, I feel that there are many cases where it is difficult to evaluate something because you can't get an idea of what it can do or how to use it.

Therefore, in this article, we will build various demos based on Snapdragon and introduce the steps and related technologies, in the hope that you will be interested in application development using Snapdragon.
Furthermore, we hope that you will get a chance to actually touch the development board and consider using Snapdragon for various IoT devices.

Macnica handles Intrinsyc's development boards equipped with Snapdragon so that you can easily evaluate Snapdragon.

This time, I would like to introduce how to install a Linux OS using a board called Open-Q™ 410 Development Kit from that lineup.

Preparation of demo equipment

  • Open-Q™ 410 Development Kit (Devkit)
  • USB hub
  • USB mouse
  • USB keyboard
  • HDMI monitor
  • SD card
  • Windows PC (used to download Linux image file to SD card)

Connect each device as shown below.

Figure 1. Setup

Installing Linux (Debian)

1. Write image file for Linux boot to SD card

Download the Linux image file (stretch version) released by an organization called 96Boards.

Go to the 96Boards website and unzip the zip folder ( ) to find the image file ( -db410c_sd_install_debian.img ).

The image file cannot be written to the removable device as it is, so use software such as Win32DiskImager to write it to the SD card.

*This work was performed on a Windows PC.

2. Install Linux from SD card to Devkit

Insert the SD card containing the image file into the Devkit with PWR Off.

Now set the BOOT CFG_1 switch to On to boot the Devkit with the image on the SD card, and press and hold PWR to turn PWR On.

When PWR is turned on, a window like Figure 2 will be displayed on the monitor, so press the Install icon on the far left.

A screen like the one shown in Figure 3 will appear. Select “Yes” to start the installation.

If you leave it for a few minutes and a screen like Figure 5 appears, the installation is successful.

Remove the SD card, press “OK”, and PWR Off the Devkit.

After returning the BOOT_CFG_1 switch to Off, press and hold PWR on the Devkit again to turn PWR On. Your Linux installation is now complete.

Various settings after Linux installation is complete

Change keyboard layout (when using Japanese keyboard)

Preferences -> LXQt settings -> Keyboard and Mouse

Add “Japanese” with Keyboard Layout -> “Add” and press “up” to make it higher than “English (US)”.

Replacing radio files

Since the Open-Q Devkit has default wireless settings for Android, you need to obtain the board data file from the Intrinsyc website and replace it when using it on other OSs.

Insert the USB memory that saved the board data file into Devkit, execute the following command in QTerminal, and replace the file. Then reboot the Devkit.
(To obtain the board data file, you need to register as a member of the Intrinsyc support site. This work was performed on a Windows PC.)

$ sudo cp <メモリのパス>/WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin /lib/firmware/wlan/prima/WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin

Package list update

Packages cannot be installed because there is no index file to refer to when installing packages on Linux that has just been installed.

Therefore, after connecting to Wifi, start QTerminal and update the package list to the latest version with the following command.

$sudo apt-get update

Now you are ready to run Linux.

From now on, I would like to implement various demos using this Linux-installed Devkit.

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Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries.
