Part 2: Distinctive power supply products used in Intel FPGA evaluation kits

The core voltage of FPGAs is becoming more constant voltage and higher current. These power supply circuits require further space savings, high accuracy and efficiency, long-term availability, and design flexibility. To meet such difficult power specifications, the main power supply products used in Intel FPGA evaluation kits are Analog Devices' μModule🄬 series. The benefits of using μModule🄬 are as follows.

Capable of supporting high voltage and large current

Analog Devices' μModules🄬 are highly compatible with FPGAs, as many of them support 12V/24V bus voltage input power, making them easy to design for industrial equipment.


Additionally, since large-scale FPGAs may require a power supply circuit that can handle large currents, it is safe to use a power supply product that can be connected in parallel. Analog Devices' power products have built-in amplifiers with excellent characteristics, allowing stable parallel connections. Parallel operation is possible, making it possible to handle large currents and improving load response. Figure 1 is an example of connecting LTM4650s in parallel for up to 200A.


In addition, the ability to connect in parallel is important because the Intel Agilex® series recommends fast load response through multi-phase operation in parallel connections.

Figure 1: LTM4650 parallel connection example
Figure 1: LTM4650 parallel connection example

Small package structure with thermal design in mind

Multi-channel, compact power supply circuit

Recent FPGAs have become more integrated, and there are many boards where the main component other than the FPGA is a power supply circuit. Boards equipped with high-performance FPGAs are multilayer boards, and board size is directly linked to cost.


Figure 2 is an example of a 4-channel product. Multiple FPGA power supplies are required, but if they are assembled discretely, the area of the power supply becomes extremely large. One of the products that combines this into a single package is the LTM4643. This not only allows for miniaturization, but also greatly simplifies board layout design.

Figure 2: 4ch product LTM4643
Figure 2: 4ch product LTM4643

Package with thermal design in mind

A problem that arises when miniaturizing power supply circuits is heat.


Analog Devices' μModule🄬 has a package designed to have low thermal resistance. Figure 3 is a photo showing the temperature rise when four LTM4636s are operated in parallel. Each module operates at an output of 40A, providing a total of 160A. The temperature rise at this time was kept to a very small 40℃. Additionally, since the temperature of each module is uniform, it can be seen that the current balance during parallel operation is well maintained.


With these characteristics, it is a product that matches the core voltage of FPGAs that require low voltage and large current.

Figure 3: Four LTM4636s operating in parallel.
Figure 3: Four LTM4636s operating in parallel.

PMBus compatible

With the Intel Agilex® series, Smart VID​ ​allows you to individually optimize device margins due to semiconductor manufacturing variations to reduce power consumption while maintaining performance.


To support Smart VID, a power supply product compatible with PMBus is required, which can be supported by Analog Devices' μModule🄬 or power system management products.


We introduced the distinctive power supply products used in Intel's FPGA evaluation kits.


Power modules that can be connected in parallel enable high current and high-speed load response, making it an extremely useful solution for stable FPGA operation. Thermal design is also important to support large currents, and it is also important to select a package with low thermal resistance and low heat generation. FPGAs also support lower power consumption by providing SMART VID functionality. As a power supply circuit compatible with SMART VID, it is also important to select a PMBus compatible product.

Click here for an overview of μModule🄬 used in Intel evaluation boards>>