UNECE WP.29 UN-R155 Cyber Security Management System (CSMS)


As introduced in "WP.29 Necessity of compliance with UN-R155/UN-R156 regulations", compliance with UN-R155 is obligatory for new autonomous driving vehicles and vehicles with OTA. This article introduces UN-R155 and ISO/SAE21434, which can be used as an implementation guideline for UN-R155.

Effect on vehicle type

7.3.4 of UN-R155 describes the need for mitigation measures for vehicle types.

“The vehicle manufacturer shall protect the vehicle type against the risks identified in the risk assessment. Mitigation measures should be implemented to protect the vehicle type. Referenced in Annex 5, Parts B and C All mitigation measures are included, except where the mitigation measures listed in Annex 5, Part B or C are not relevant or sufficient for the identified risk, the vehicle manufacturer shall We need to ensure that mitigation measures are in place.”

Source: UNECE 2021/3/4 R155e.pdf P11 7.3.4

About Annex 5

Annex 5 has the following categories.
・Threat Catalog (Part A)
・Mitigation Catalog
   -Vehicle model (Part B)
   -Areas outside the vehicle, such as the back end (Part C)

Annex 5 shall be taken into consideration during the development stage, requiring appropriate security measures to be applied as risk assessment and mitigation measures against threats.

UNECE WP.29 UN-R155 Cyber Security Management System (CSMS)
Source: ETAS material

Application example of Annex 5

An example of an ECU for body control is shown below as an application example of Annex 5.

UNECE WP.29 UN-R155 Cyber Security Management System (CSMS)
Source: ETAS material

Relationship between WP.29, ISO/SAE 21434 and other activities

The objective of ISO/SAE21434 is to become a standard for cyber security engineering and risk management for road vehicles and their embedded components. The entire development and lifecycle is covered from concept phase to development and production, operation, maintenance and retirement (peripherals and backends such as OBD dongles and testers are out of scope).

In addition, ISO/SAE 21434 has the following relationships with other activities and can be used as an implementation guideline for UN-R155.

UNECE WP.29 UN-R155 Cyber Security Management System (CSMS)
Source: ETAS material

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