In audio equipment, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), and devices that use many sensors, circuits that require high precision require a negative power source in addition to a positive power source. In such a case, creating a plus/minus power supply circuit on the board would increase the scale of the circuit, or the input voltage of the system would change, making it necessary to change the power supply circuit for each system. Do you ever get into trouble?

Plus/minus power circuit

If there is a high-precision analog circuit in the system, a power supply circuit capable of positive/negative output is required in applications where the sensor input is received by an operational amplifier with positive/negative power supply, or the output signal is positive/negative. .


Let's consider creating a power supply circuit that supplies ±12V. For example, if 5V is provided on the board, a step-up and inverting DC/DC converter is required to create ±12V. Additionally, if 24V is supplied to the board, such as in a system for industrial equipment, a step-down and inverting DC/DC converter is required, as shown in Figure 1.


If a general DC/DC converter IC is used, it will be a two-chip configuration, and the power supply circuit will be very large. In addition, it will be necessary to change the DC/DC converter IC selected according to the input voltage, and I think it will be necessary to redesign the power supply circuit.

Figure 1: Configuration diagram of positive and negative power supplies using step-down/inverting converters

Analog Devices Solutions

The LT8471 from Analog Devices, Inc. is a two-channel DC/DC converter IC. By using the LT8471, it is possible to design a compact plus/minus power supply with a single chip from various input voltages such as 5V, 12V, and 24V.


Another major feature of the LT8471 is that it supports buck/boost/buck-boost/inverting/SEPIC circuits. As shown in Figure 2, it can be configured with buck and inverting, or it can be designed with a combination of buck-boost and inverting.


Since it is possible to configure a step-up/step-down circuit, it is possible to realize a common power supply circuit that supports a wide input range. Until now, it may have been necessary to change the design according to the input voltage supplied to the system, but by using the LT8471, it is possible to standardize the power supply circuit.

Figure 2: LT8471 power supply configuration diagram

Plus/Minus Power Reference Board Using LT8471

This time, we have developed an original plus/minus power supply reference board using the LT8471 for industrial equipment using Macnica.

The input voltage range is 6 to 36V, and the output voltage is ±12V (or ±15V by changing the resistance).


Figure 3 shows the actual circuit diagram and a photo of the reference board.

Figure 3: ±12V power supply schematic and reference board

For design information such as circuit diagrams and board layout, please refer to "+/-12V Output Multi-Topology DC/DC with LT8471".


At the end

In this article, we introduced a reference board for a DC/DC power supply circuit with a wide input voltage range and a ±12V output that we developed. If you would like more information about the products we have introduced, please contact us here.

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