How to specify files to include/exclude using regular expressions

release date
last updated
Splunk Enterprise 9.0.3
This section describes how to specify files to be included/excluded using regular expressions. If you want to import into splunk/exclude files from being imported, you can specify the files to be imported using regular expressions by setting whitelist/blacklist in inputs.conf.
Reference information

If you want to import/exclude multiple files under a certain directory into splunk, you can specify the files to be imported using regular expressions by setting the whitelist/blacklist in inputs.conf.

*If blacklist and whitelist are used together, the blacklist setting will be applied with priority.


[monitor://<monitor directory path>]
whitelist = <regular expression specifying files to include>
blacklist = <Regular expression specifying files to exclude from importing>

Setting example 1)

When importing only files ending in ".log" among the files under the /mnt/logs directory


whitelist = \.log$

*$SPLUNK_HOME is the installation directory. By default it is as follows.

Linux :
Splunk Enterprise : /opt/splunk
Windows :
Splunk Enterprise : C:\Program Files\Splunk

Setting example 2)

When excluding only files with ".txt" at the end of the file name from the files under the /mnt/logs directory


blacklist = \.txt$

Also, when specifying multiple files/directories to be monitored, use wildcards "*" and "...".

Any number of strings can be specified by using the wildcard "*".

Any subdirectory can be monitored by using the wildcard "...".

Setting example 3)

When importing the following files under the /DATA/test directory



Setting example 4)

When importing any ".log" file under /DATA/




Please refer to the reference information for wildcard specifications and details of inputs.conf.

that's all