Splunk cron behavior

release date
last updated
Splunk Enterprise 9.1.2
In Splunk, you can specify the execution time with cron for scheduled alerts, etc. Splunk cron behavior differs depending on the version, so please be careful when specifying the execution time.
Reference information

Differences between versions

7.2.1 and earlier

Splunk cron works differently than the typical Linux cron.

Linux: The third and fifth fields are ORed together.
Splunk: The third and fifth fields work together as an AND condition.

Example) 0 9 15-21 * 1

(1st field: minute, 2nd field: hour, 3rd field: day, 4th field: month, 5th field: day of the week)

  • Linux:
    It will be determined to be the 15th to the 21st or Monday, and will be executed at 9 AM on the 15th to the 21st and at 9 AM every Monday.
  • Splunk:
    It will be determined that the date is between the 15th and the 21st and Monday, and will be executed at 9 AM on Mondays between the 15th and the 21st.

7.2.2 and later

Splunk cron works the same way as a typical Linux cron.
Linux/Splunk: The third and fifth fields are ORed together.

Example) 0 9 15-21 * 1

(1st field: minute, 2nd field: hour, 3rd field: day, 4th field: month, 5th field: day of the week)

  • Splunk, Linux:
    It will be determined to be the 5th to the 21st or Monday, and will be executed at 9 AM on the 15th to the 21st and every Monday at 9 AM.

How to execute alerts at the same timing as before 7.2.1

If the cron execution time for a scheduled alert was set to "0 9 15-21 * 1" in versions prior to 7.2.1 (7.0 series, 7.1 series), the execution time for the alert will change after upgrading to the latest version.

If you want to run the alert at 9:00 AM on Mondays from the 15th to the 21st of every month, just like before the upgrade, change the alert settings as follows.


Log in to SplunkWeb.
Go to the Settings - Search, Reports, and Alerts screen.
Open the edit screen for the target alert and add judgment conditions to the search.

<Example of change>
(Existing search statement)

| eval daynum=strftime(now(),"%d"),
| eval weekday=strftime(now(),"%a"),
| eval isThirdMonday=if(weekday=="Mon" AND daynum>14 AND daynum<22,"true","false" )
| search isThirdMonday="true"

that's all