

Hokkaido Telecommunication Network Co., Inc., Ltd.


  • It took time for each person to log in to servers with different manufacturers and OSs and check.
  • It is difficult to view logs depending on the skill level of the person in charge, such as different OS and command input
Arrow: Horizontal
Arrow: vertical
  • Logs can be checked simply by accessing Splunk, making it easy to search and browse
  • Log investigation is possible regardless of skill level, reducing the time spent on investigation

Person in charge of operation

“I have personally used the free version of Splunk, and I was impressed by its high functionality. I found Splunk very useful and introduced it to the team.

We were introduced to Macnica by UNIADEX, Ltd., and thanks to the clear and detailed answers to questions we asked before installation, we were able to proceed with the installation without any worries. My impressions after implementing it are that Splunk allows you to retain past logs for a long period of time, which would otherwise be rotated on a single device, and that logs from several years ago can be instantly searched, which is a huge advantage.

Splunk alone is full of useful functions such as automatic field recognition, but I feel that it is also a great advantage to be able to perform extremely flexible analysis using plugins specialized for servers and network devices.

Many times, thanks to Splunk, I noticed trends that I could not find with the log search function of the device itself.

We also believe that support is essential for Splunk operations since it handles important logs. Macnica 's support staff provided detailed support from the pre-implementation evaluation stage to operation. I am very satisfied with their prompt and accurate answers regarding niche settings and troubleshooting, as well as their high technical level.

I would like to continue using Splunk in the future. ”

Those who decided to introduce

“Before the introduction of Splunk, when managing multiple servers, it took time to log in to each server with a different manufacturer and OS to check, and sometimes the work was postponed. did.

In addition, depending on the skill level of the person in charge, such as different OS and command input, there were cases where the log could not be viewed.

After the introduction of Splunk, since the logs of each server are centralized in Splunk, it became possible to easily search and view the logs of each server, enabling log investigation regardless of skill level. It also reduces the time it takes. ”

User Profile

Hokkaido Telecommunication Network Co., Inc.



244 people


〒060-0031 Tsukamoto Building North 1, Kita 1, East 2-5-3, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido



Inquiry/Document request

In charge of Macnica Splunk Co., Ltd.

Mon-Fri 8:45-17:30